Padparadscha Sapphires

Padparadscha Sapphires are a unique alternative to the Ruby. The name of the Padparadscha Sapphire is derived from the Singhalese word for a salmon coloured lotus blossom, and veer towards the pink or orange hues. Traditionally mined in Sri Lanka, Padparadscha Saphhires are associated with the lotus flower, and capture an almost sunset-like blend of colour.

Padparadscha Sapphires in Sri Lanka

More pink the orange, the Padparadscha Sapphire is locally referred to as padmaraga (padma – lotus flower; raga – colour). Many scholars call this variety padmarascha, derived from Sanskrit. The Padparadscha Sapphire’s term symbolises colour, attraction, desire, musical rhythm and pollen, and lends a romantic air to the stone. However, lotus flowers are also found in white, but in this instance, the colour referred to within the Padparadscha Sapphire is the orange-red or pink lotus flower.